The Staff

The staff (or stave) provides a way of displaying notes. A staff consists of five lines and four spaces. Each line and space represent a note. These notes are neither sharp nor flat, like the white keys on a piano. Each staff has a clef that determines what notes the lines and spaces represent.

Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge

The treble clef wraps around the second lowest line on the staff. (Shown above). The treble clef labels this line as G (hence, otherwise known as the G clef) and any note placed on this line becomes G. A note placed on the space directly above G becomes A. A note on the line directly above A becomes B and process continues.

When there is no room to place notes a ledger line is inserted. The note on the first ledger line above the treble staff is A. The first ledger line below the staff represents the note C (See above). This is known as middle C. The Piano players among you should already be familiar with this concept. Below you will see the C major scale, C D E F G A B C, starting on middle C.